Today kicked off VBS Week at church. Makes for two busy weeks for me. This year should be pretty easy going though since basically all I’m doing is leading the kids around to the right room. No teaching this year. Woot woot.
Emma felt like a magnet to me when we first got there. She freaked out with so many people. I finally had to leave her with her teacher and class and she cried. They had to bring her to me and then promise to make butterflies or something. She was fine though once she got to her room and seems excited to go back. That’s the part that scares me about school for her. It’s going to be a room full of strangers and she could freak. out. I guess I should start praying it goes well.
Anyway, this week is basically going to be work and VBS. I did manage to wake up extra early this morning and get the day started before the girls woke up. It made everything else go so much better. Tomorrow I have L, the middle school girl from last summer, coming over to play with the girls so that should be helpful.
Other than that, I can’t imagine much of anything exciting happen this week.