I wish I could explain this picture. It makes me feel very old knowing that I was at some event that made me cry and I can not remember why. I only can tell you a few things about this picture.
This was either my sophomore or senior year. Based on the clothes, hair, braces, etc I’d say sophomore. I also had Mrs. Morgan (shown) for English AP my senior year so it could totally be then too. I told you, I’m old and don’t remember this picture.
I can tell you it looks like Mrs. Morgan was giving me some type of recognition. As I said, the only one related to writing was the Southern Sampler I posted yesterday but that was my senior year so maybe I got an award I don’t remember.
I can tell you this was my high school library.
Also, I can tell you my lips look like this
pic courtesy of Sass
There are some things it’s ok not to remember. That red lipstick is one of them.