This morning I hit my “ultimate goal” of 8 lbs lower than I was and 2 lbs below my original goal. I can’t tell much difference with the last 2 lbs honestly but I’m very proud to have literally changed the way I was eating.
This morning I was fixing some coffee and I thought hey, I don’t need to use Splenda, I could use REAL sugar in my coffee. But honestly, I was like, why eat the calories when Splenda tastes just fine and so I used Splenda. Last night I opened the fridge to eat some ice cream and Edy’s ice cream and then my Skinny cow ice cream sandwiches were there. I chose the Skinny cows because why would I want the extra calories? Small choices like these have helped this past month or so and after using a journal the first two weeks I learned the small things DO add up. A candy bar here and a Frappuccino there DO matter. The great thing is when eaten in moderation, you can still have that candy bar or that Frappuccino. In fact, I’ve enjoyed Krispy Kreme donuts, Edy’s poppable ice cream, ice cream cake and plenty of Starbuck’s all in the past week. It is doable to enjoy your food AND lose weight. I’ve just cut back A LOT on how much snacking I do. Honestly, my main meals haven’t changed that much. It all comes down to the snacking for me.