Wow, that was a pretty busy weekend.
WW Day 11 or 12
I’ve been holding steady all weekend despite having to use Flex Points for two days now.
Saturday was pool day. We got in and out of the pool from about 10 that morning to 3 that afternoon. Scott and I were working on getting the water clean. Turns out our filter had parts that were broken, causing sand to come out of the filter thing and also we needed chemicals so although the water is a little cloudy still, it’s a clean kind of cloudy now if that makes any sense. Word on the street is this is the hardest year “pool people” have seen trying to keep a pool’s water clean, so I don’t feel so bad that we haven’t had crystal clear water since filling the thing up back in June.
Saturday was Heather’s birthday so we had dinner at my Mom’s, took the kids to IL’s and my sister and parents and us all went to see Bourne Ultimatum. Wow, that was a great movie. I’ll have to post a separate review on that.
Sunday our church choir was having a spaghetti dinner fundraiser after church. After all that, we came home and swam again. It was definitely a “pool weekend”. With temperatures here hanging around 100, there wasn’t really much else you could do. Yesterday evening we took the girls with us to a surprise outing with the youth group to a church member’s house. Can’t really say just house though, more like ponderosa or something. They live on 14 acres of land. They have a log cabin which is fixed up as a retreat type thing with a big screen tv, pool table, etc. They have in ground pool with a 13 foot deep end with an attached little pool house where you could change/use the restroom. They had a frisbee and volleyball net set up. It was really, really nice.
Lexi was having a time with the diving board. Everyone would clear out when it was their turn. They’d see Lexi walk up and say there’s “daredevil” (they learned quickly she is no stranger to water) and she would jump off that board, trying to hold her legs up like the big kids to do a canon ball and jump right in. Emma was much more timid. She’d walk to the end of the board, hold her nose and sort of fall in. That’s the way it is with them though. I’m just glad they both aren’t scared of water and even went off it at all.
We had around 50 people go altogether and besides one leader about break her nose when someone dived on her right after she jumped off the diving board and then someone that pushed our pastor who doesn’t know how to swim in the deep-end and people had to jump in with all their clothes to literally save his life, it was a really good time. Yes, some very serious close calls but honestly the rest of the time was enjoyed by all and I’m sure we will be invading their “house” again for another outing.