Tonight I got a pedicure and it wasn’t a normal pedicure for a few reasons. This pedicure went to a good cause and it wasn’t just my desperate feet! The best kind of pedicure right? Teal for Toes is an organization that helps raise awareness about ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer has been known as a silent killer because it’s usually too late before women are diagnosed. However, there are symptoms you can look for.
- Bloating
- Pelvic or abdominal pain
- Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly
- Urinary symptoms (urgency or frequency)
The idea behind Teal for Toes is that women get their toes painted a funky teal color, usually giving an open door for people to ask about it. That gives you the great opportunity to let people know about these symptoms of ovarian cancer.
The second cool part about the pedicure is it was done at the Ballantyne Spa which is, for you non-Charlotte folks, a spa attached to the Ballantyne Hotel where the likes of Tiger Woods and other celebrities have been known to hang out while in town. And since we were getting salon service, the spa was open to us all day! Melissa got there early and hit up their gym and pools. Melissa’s two sister-in-law’s and I were able to join her after work where we had some time in their hot tub, resistance pools and sauna before heading upstairs for our pedicures. While the time seemed to zip by, it was some great girl time and such a treat along with the pedicure for such a great cause.
Be sure to check out their site to see if you have a local participating salon!
That was so much fun. We should do spa days more often