May I be so bold to suggest first thing on this Monday morning that you go watch Friday’s video? I’d suggest you’d watch all of them if you haven’t, but Friday’s will suffice if that’s all you have time for.
On Saturday, I watched Beth Moore’s live simlucast at the last minute. In one of her first sessions, a statement she made shocked me so much that even my sister, who was watching the simulcast at a local church, texted me seconds later “Oh man!!!!” to share her shock. She didn’t even have to say what it was about it was so clear it was a message for us.
Beth said she asks the Lord all the time to reveal Himself to her and the people attending her events. Reveal, reveal, reveal. She said she felt in her spirit last week that He said, “I’ve been revealing myself to you plenty. Now I’m looking to you to respond.” I half-expected her to talk about feathers it was so closely aligned to what He’s been doing in this space.
But I felt it so swiftly, so clearly, so powerfully that the message is for all of us involved in this feather story. God wants us to respond.
He didn’t do all that just for us to ooh and ahh over it. This isn’t a Hallmark movie we’re watching. This is the real-deal God trying to talk to us. He’s been preparing this literally for years–years he’s been orchestrating this proposal to you. And now it’s your turn to respond.
What does your response look like? The answer could look a million different ways.
Maybe He’s asking for some daily devoted time to Scripture.
Maybe He’s asking for you to finally check out that church you’ve been eyeing.
Maybe He’s asking you to join that small group you’ve been invited to.
Maybe He’s asking you to teach or speak or lead or leave or stay.
Maybe He’s calling you to Himself for the first time.
Maybe He’s asking you to finally trust him.
Only you know, or can know through His word and the Holy Spirit, what your next step is. What I do know is He’s waiting on you to take it.
My next step is absolutely to get in Scripture every single day–as hard as I looked for those feathers, he wants me looking for him in the pages of his word.
Since the simulcast on Saturday, I haven’t received a single message about a feather found. It’s the first day since August 27th when I first found the 3 on my walk that we’ve missed a day. I feel a doneness in my spirit about it. It doesn’t mean no one will ever find another feather and think of this or His word–I hope people do. But I do think he set aside these few weeks to uniquely reveal himself to all of us and to comfort our family during this transition period.
But wholeheartedly, I believe this sanctioned time is over. God is done revealing himself this way. He wants you and he can’t wait another minute.
How will you respond to this God who has so clearly shown how much he loves you, how much he provides for you, how much he wants to cover your sin, how much he wants to guide you, how much he wants to comfort you? Scripture says he longs for it, but you have to let him.
After her comment, Beth continued to teach on the idea of responding. She said it’s the picture of a ship pointing itself in one direction and going forward. It reminds me of an eagle’s intensity when it has locked eyes on its prey. It’s extremely focused and will not stray to the right or left. That’s what this response should look like. Make your decision and do not point your ship in a different direction until you see it through.
You will be distracted. You will doubt. You will question. Circle back and read this if you have to.
He’s revealed Himself. Now let’s respond.