So I couldn’t NOT post about the New Moon trailer. I tried but I can’t. And in case you missed it or want to see it for the 1,032nd time, here you go.
My reaction was pretty close to their reaction. All the things I love:
- She says I love you
- They kiss
- Edward’s suit. He’s got his swagger on finally. He actually looks like he could be an old rich man. And I don’t mean old really. If you read the book, I hope you get what I’m saying. He looked like Edward!
- That it actually looks like a real movie not a documentary.
- Rosalie’s wig is better
- Jasper doesn’t look quite as constipated
- Edward knocks Jasper across the room. He deserved it just for looking so constipated in Twilight. And of course because he was getting ready to kill Bella.
- Rob plays the tortured Edward much better. Much more Edward of him.
- The birthday set is gorgeous.
- Jac0b is shirtless and will be for a lot of the movie. I have to remind myself that he is 17 and yes, I’m married.
- Jac0b turns into a wolf!
That last one is huge. Seriously. After Twilight, everyone was really scared about the special effects and wow, wow, wow, I can not quit watching that part. Seriously, seriously amazing. If you compare that to say, the tree climbing in Twilight, it’s kind of laughable. You can even see his clothes shredding, just like in the book. And if you’d like to watch THAT a few hundred times, here you go.
New Moon the Movie and Eclipse Movie
Now, the actual reason I wanted to post…these pics of Taylor were taken in Vancouver where they shot those scenes last month. I can’t help but think Taylor was practicing to be Jac0b. Which makes me giggle a little. Can’t help it and I don’t know why.