Generally, tonight was an ok episode. No major storyline moving ahead.
My favorite lines:
Meredith to Hahn when they’re working on Ray, “Shut. up!”
Lexie asks how Seth Green’s character is and he says something like, “Well, not great if I’m being honest.”
Bailey goes on her vows rant to tell Tucker and George says, “Can I just do some charts?”
George and Bailey deciding on the incision:
Bailey: Do you think it’s jagged.
George: Yeah, it’s jagged.
Bailey: I thought so too.
George saying to the white supremacist, “I believe if you were dead the world would be a better place.”
Callie after Hahn asks Sloan not to hit on her at the bar, “He still can’t promise that.”
Scenes I liked:
Hahn yelling at herself after she made a mistake.
Izzie and George at the end deciding they aren’t going to be together but decide on “maybe someday”.
The kiss! McDreamy and the nurse. Woah. I watched that through my fingers covering my eyes.
Yang telling Bailey how she took offense to Bailey taking her off of Hahn’s watch because of her skin color.