I know I said I had to go to bed BUT I totally forgot my very exciting news. Somehow word must have got out this week that my OTH site is half-decent because I’ve had several very cool things come from different PR people just today.
- Rep for Gabe Dixon sent me links to audio of a song that’s going to be featured this week on the finale.
- Rep for Amy Kuney sent me video and info about one of her songs that’s going to be featured this week on the finale.
- Rep for tvguide.com sent me links to OTH videos and asked to do a link exchange…our link is now going to be on the landing page for OTH!
- Rep for Hilarie Burton’s new DVD The List is sending me FIVE copies of the movie to giveaway at the blog.
This has literally all happened today. I literally was smiling so much trying to tell Heather about the DVDs that I couldn’t form the words correctly with my lips. And I’m not joking in the least. How awesome is all that??? No longer am I just copying and pasting info from other sites but now am the SOURCE for a few things! Awesome!!